Friday, 31 December 2010

Daughters of Darkness (1971) - A bit underwhelming after seeing Malpertuis (same director). Good mood and sense of location with some good photography. Seyrig brilliantly seductive.

Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) - Camp and over-the-top in some respects but subtle in others. Builds to a genuinely unnerving climax with impressive performance by Taylor. Overall: too talky for me but enjoyably strange for its time.

Levres de Sang (1975) - Wanted to like this but difficult with such slow scenes and lack of suspense. Initial idea of childhood memory is interesting, but became tiresome. Occasional nice imagery/atmosphere.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

5 reviews

Ascenseur Pour L'Echafaud (1958) - One of the best films for Parisian atmosphere I've seen. Enjoyed it - surprisingly suspenseful and twisty plot. Moreau wonderfully melancholic and great Miles soundtrack.

Best Worst Movie (2009) - Very enjoyable and revealing documentary. Some genuinely interesting and diverse characters discovered. Actress who played mother is worrying - almost seemed like she was acting?

Vivre Sa Vie (1962) - Rewatched: Karina as arresting as ever. Film as a whole not as overwhelming as first viewing, but still powerful. Use of Poe in one scene is genius. Ending made more sense this time.

Black Christmas (1974) - Rewatched: Still very disturbing - a lot down to voice over of murderer. Surprising repetition of c-word for 1974. Brilliant ending as "final girl" left in empty house.

Malpertuis (1971) - Brilliantly original and unique film. Very enjoyable atmosphere and host of strange characters. Slightly long but needs time for characters. Worth it for incredible ending(s), mindbending.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

1 Review

Rewatched Blue Velvet (1986) - Brilliant second time round. First time seeing Hopper's performance was like a double take - able to digest it this time. Few flaws spotted, but also discovered some humour I'd missed.

Monday, 20 December 2010

1 Review

Re-watched Naboer (2005) - quality stands up. Just as disorientating and suspenseful as first time. Knowledge of ending does not spoil enjoyment of rest of film. Violence still disturbing although expected.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

3 Reviews

The Loved Ones (2009) - Very disappointing, derivative, unpleasant and ridiculous in a similar way to Frontier(s). Admirable attempts at humour/novelty but unsuccessful.

The Sword of Doom (1967) - Good. Plot slightly unfocussed? Fantastic cinematography and groundbreaking violence. Brilliant ending.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Very good. Enjoyable and melancholic meditation on new vs old west, moving ending. Interesting to see Wayne in a supporting role.